Hosting a sports event or maybe thinking of starting a new club but not having the necessary equipment needed to deliver your project. No need to worry, Sporting Goals has wide-range of equipment for your needs.
As an organisation we want to ensure our equipment are accessible to the wider community and used to it's maximum capacity, we offer affordable equipment hire and ensure whatever your budget maybe we're able to cater to our needs.
Equipment for Hire:
We cover your equipment needs for the following sports, if the sport is not listed please contact us as we maybe be able to cater to your needs. Please note the base price is £10.00 per hour, however full price will be determined once Length of Hire, Equipment Needs and Travel has been taken under consideration.
Glow-in-the-Dark - Sports Equipment
Please 'CLICK HERE' to complete the booking request form, alternatively contact us directly on 07450 979203 or [email protected].
If you have any questions, let us know. We will gladly answer them.
Send us an email
[email protected]